Discovering Kotlin Contracts

8 minute read

The next release of Kotlin, 1.3, is really near! Among the several features, I really enjoyed one that will allow library developers to write cleaner and better code: Kotlin contracts.

In this blog post, we’ll see definitions, syntax, and examples for Kotlin contracts. But first, let’s start with a problem.

The Problem

Currently, the following Kotlin code is invalid:

@Test fun testMyTokenLength() {
    val token : String? = getMyToken();

    assertEquals(42, token.length)

Here we have a test to check that a String returned by a method is not null and has a specific length. This test will fail to compile on the assertEquals line with the following error:

Error(5, 22): Only safe (?.) or non-null asserted (!!.) calls are allowed on a nullable receiver of type String?

The error is related to the token.length expression. The problem is that the type of token is a String? and we need to explicitly check its nullability before accessing the .length property. To fix this error we could either wrap that line with an if check, use a safe call (?.) or a non-null asserted (!!.) calls as suggested by the compiler.

Actually, looking at the code we can be sure that token won’t be nullable inside the assertEquals check. We are asserting that token shouldn’t be nullable in the line above.

I was writing a very similar test a few days ago… Wouldn’t it be cool if the compiler could understand the scenario here? Unfortunately the 1.2.x. compiler is not smart enough to understand this type restriction (from String? to String). Moreover, you can’t really provide any hint to the compiler to instruct it.

Good news everyone! As of this weekend, that Kotlin code will compile. You can try it out on TryKotlin by switching the Kotlin release in the drop-down menu on the bottom right to 1.3.x. This is possible because of Kotlin Contracts, introduced in this last iteration of the language.

Conference Driven Development

To better understand what’s going to happen this weekend, we need to give some timeline of the next Kotlin milestone releases:

The first EAP (early access preview) of Kotlin 1.3 was announced on July the 26th. Contracts were actually introduced in the second EAP, released on August the 8th. As of September the 20th Kotlin 1.3 is in the Release Candidate phase, so the stable release should be really near.

This weekend KotlinConf will take place in Amsterdam. I guess we can all bet on Kotlin 1.3.0 being one of the Keynote announcements. As soon as you’ll bump that version number inside your project, you can start using contracts.

Please note that contracts are an experimental feature in Kotlin 1.3. So, as happened for coroutines, you need to explicitly opt-in to use them (either with the @UseExperimental or via the compiler flag -Xuse-experimental).

On the other hand, several functions inside the stdlib have already been updated with a contract and you can directly benefit from them, let’s see how.

Kotlin Contracts

The problem in the first snippet is coming from the fact that you, developer, know something that the Kotlin compiler doesn’t know (yet).

Although the Kotlin compiler turns out to be really smart in type inference or in smart casting, it’s not capable to understand that after an assertNotNull call the type of the receiver can be restricted.

Kotlin contracts are exactly solving this kind of problem. With a contract, you can actually provide knowledge about a function behavior to the compiler in order to help it perform a more complete analysis on your code, with the final goal to write cleaner code.

To better understand Kotlin contracts, we need to introduce the concept of effects.


An effect represents a piece of knowledge related to a function behavior. A Kotlin contract is nothing more than a collection of effects attached to a function. Whenever you call a function, all of his effects will be fired. The compiler will collect all the fired effects to enrich its analysis.

The definition of effect here is a bit vague, and looks like is intentional to do not restrict the scope of contracts.

However, in the current release of Kotlin, there are 4 supported effects (see Effects.kt):

  • Returns(value) Represents that the function returns successfully (e.g. without throwing an exception). You can also optionally pass a value (of type Any?) to represent which value the function returned.
  • ReturnsNotNull Represents that the function returns successfully a non-nullable value.
  • ConditionalEffect(effect, booleanExpression) Represents a composition of an Effect and a boolean expression, guaranteed to be true if the effect is fired (see the paragraph below).
  • CallsInPlace(lambda, kind) Represents a constraint on place and number of invocation of the passed lambda parameter (see the paragraph below).


The first two effects (Returns and ReturnsNotNull) are usually composed with a boolean expression to form a ConditionalEffect. If a function has a contract with a ConditionalEffect(e, b) means that whenever the effect e will be fired, the boolean expression b is guaranteed to be true. From the logical point of view this can be summarized with a logical implication:

effect => booleanExpression

So for example, We can create a conditional effect to represent that whenever a function returns, one of his parameters is not null (that’s exactly what we would love to achieve for the assertNotNull function).

Please note that in the current release of Kotlin contracts there are several limitations on the Returns(value) and on the boolean expression

For the boolean expression only null checks (!= null, == null), instance checks (is, !is) and logic operators (&&, ||, !) are supported.

For Returns(value) only true, false and null are supported.


The CallsInPlace(lambda, kind) effect allows you to provide constraints on when/where/and how often the provided lambda will be called.

Specifically, this effect will imply that:

  • lambda will not be called after the call to owner-function is finished. In other words, the lambda will be called locally and will not be deferred after the function returns.

  • lambda will not be passed to another function that doesn’t have a similar contract.

  • if the kind parameter is provided, the lambda will be invoked a specified amount of times. kind can be one of:

    • UNKNOWN (the default).

To summarize, CallsInPlace turns to be handy when you’re having a function with a lambda as a parameter, and you don’t expect that lambda to be executed concurrently.

See the examples below to have a concrete example of this effect.


To use contracts in your code, you need to use the ContractDsl (defined in the ContractBuilder.kt file).

To define a contract, you should use the contract function from the stdlib. This function must be the first statement of your function:

fun Int?.isValid(): Boolean {
    contract { 
        // Contract effects.
    // Body of your function.

The stdlib has several functions to help you express your effects (returns, returnsNotNull and callsInPlace). Finally, you can use the infix implies function to compose one effect with a boolean expression.

fun Int?.isValid(): Boolean {
    contract { 
        returns(true) implies (this@isValid != null)
    return this != null && this != 0

Here we are saying that a call to isValid that returns true, will have as a consequence that the receiver is not null:

val aInt : Int? = getAnInt()
if (aInt.isValid()){
    // Here the compiler knows that `aInt` is not nullable
    // thanks to the contract on `isValid`
} else {
    // Here the compiler has no extra information since
    // the `isValid` has only a `returns(true)` effect

Please note that contracts are not evaluated as expressions. You should consider them as annotations for the compiler and they are ignored at runtime. If you try to breakpoint inside the contract, you will notice that your debugger will never stop there:

kotlin contracts debugger

I invite you to take a look at the contracts KEEP to better understand why this syntax was preferred rather than others (e.g. an annotation-like syntax).


Let’s see some examples of usage of the Kotlin contracts. A great source of inspiration is definitely the stdlib and other Jetbrain’s Kotlin packages. Several functions have already been enriched with contracts to provide a better experience to client developers. Let’s see some of them.

Returns Examples

Inside the kotlin-test package, we can find several functions to write more idiomatic JUnit tests. Some of those now have a contract: assertTrue, assertFalse and assertNotNull.

fun assertTrue(actual: Boolean, message: String? = null) {
    contract { returns() implies actual }
    return asserter.assertTrue(
        message ?: "Expected value to be true.", 

fun assertFalse(actual: Boolean, message: String? = null) {
    contract { returns() implies (!actual) }
    return asserter.assertTrue(
        message ?: "Expected value to be false.", 

fun <T : Any> assertNotNull(actual: T?, message: String? = null): T {
    contract { returns() implies (actual != null) }
    asserter.assertNotNull(message, actual)
    return actual!!

If you don’t want to use the kotlin-test package, you can still define your own assert* wrappers that delegate to the JUnit functions:

fun assertNotNull(actual: Any?) {
    contract { returns() implies (actual != null) }

CallsInPlace Example

To showcase a real usage of a callsInPlace contract, we will use the run function from the Kotlin stdlib. The run function simply accepts a lambda and executes it. In Kotlin 1.2.x the following code will not compile:

@Test fun testMyToken() {
    val token : String?
    run {
        token = getMyToken()

Specifically will fail to compile with the following error:

Error:(4, 8) Captured values initialization is forbidden due to possible reassignment
Error:(6, 18) Variable ‘token’ must be initialized

The compiler is not able to assure that:

  • The lambda passed to run is not executed more than once. This would cause the val to be reassigned.
  • The lambda passed to run is ever executed. If the lambda is not executed, the token var might be not initialized.

Starting from 1.3, run has a callInPlace contract with an EXACTLY_ONCE invocation kind. Thanks to this contract, the compiler knows that block will be executed exactly once.

public inline fun <T, R> T.() -> R): R {
    contract {
        callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
    return block()

You can find more examples related to Kotlin contracts in the samples.contract package of the stdlib (here on GitHub).


  • The biggest limitation of contracts is definitely that they are not verified. In other words: You’re responsible for writing correct contracts. If you add a contract with an effect that doesn’t reflect the real behavior of a function, you might experience crashes or unexpected behavior.

  • returns(value) and implies boolean expression allowed values are really limited (see the ConditionalEffect paragraph).

  • Contracts can be applied only to top-level functions (as inheritance is not supported yet).

  • Contracts can be applied only to block functions (as it needs to be the first statement in the body of a function).

  • Contracts are still experimental. Their API can change drastically with the upcoming releases of Kotlin.


Kotlin contracts are a great tool to enrich the compiler analysis and they can be really helpful to write cleaner and better code. When playing around with contracts, please never forget that contracts are not verified. The compiler can’t do magic and you’re ultimately responsible for your contracts.

Their API and the set of supported effects might look restricted for now. But I have the feeling they are setting the foundation for a (hopefully) long-term relationship between Kotlin developers and the Kotlin compiler 🤝.

If you want to talk more about Kotlin contracts, you can reach me out as @cortinico on Twitter.




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